Official account for IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision & Pattern Recognition. #CVPR2024 🇺🇸 hosts @CSProfKGD @abby621 @jbhuang0604 @hi_ice_boy @BoqingGo
ID: 46950574
http://cvpr.thecvf.com 13-06-2009 19:49:21
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salk instituteMarc Pollefeys
Director of Science at @Microsoft @HoloLens, Professor of Computer Science at @ETH Zurich, working on #ComputerVisionDevi Parikh
Building something new. Previously: Senior Director in GenAI @Meta, Associate Professor @GeorgiaTech.IEEE ComputerSociety
IEEE Computer Society, the community for technology leaders, is the world's leading computing membership organization and trusted information source.F. Güney
research on computer vision, teaching, and movies. asst. prof. @KuisAICenter @kocuniversity tweets in TR, ENLuba Elliott
🤖Creative AI🎨 Curator, producer, speaker, researcher. @ArtAIFestival @ai_ucl #NeurIPS4Creativity #LDNcreativeAI #creativeAI #AIartDavid Picard
Computer Vision/Machine Learning research @ImagineEnpc / LIGM, École nationale des Ponts et Chaussées. Music & overall happiness 🌳🪻 Born well below 350ppmMichael Black
Director, Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems (@MPI_IS). Chief Scientist @meshcapade. Building 3D digital humans using vision, graphics, and learning.NeurIPS Conference
Vancouver, Dec 9-15, 24. neurips.cc/Register/view-… Tweets to this account are not monitored. Please send feedback to [email protected].Ellen Zhong
Assistant Professor @PrincetonCS. #proteins247 #ml #cryoem #cryodrgn ❄️🐉#compbio #ai4science Prev: @MIT @DeepMind @DEShawResearchEfstratios Gavves
Associate Professor & Co-Founder - Temporal Learning & Neural DynamicsSrinath Sridhar
Assistant Professor @BrownCSDept. 3D computer vision and machine learning @BrownVisualComp. Previously: @StanfordAILab, MPI Informatics, @MSFTResearch.Stefan Roth
Professor of Computer Science @TUDarmstadt — Computer Vision, Machine Learning, Deep Learning — #ECCV2024 Program ChairHumphrey Shi
associate professor @ICatGT @MLatGT @GTComputing @GeorgiaTech l grad faculty @UOregon @UofIllinois | chief scientist @PicsartGang Hua
CTO of Convenience BEE Chief Scientist and Managing Director of Wormpex AI ResearchKostas Daniilidis
Ruth Yalom Stone Professor @Penn @PennEngineers @PennCIS @GRASPlabThe BMVA
The British Machine Vision Association is a charity that acts in the interests of the computer vision and pattern recognition community in the UKDima Damen
Professor of Computer Vision, @BristolUniEng. Senior Research Scientist @GoogleDeepMind - passionate about the temporal stream in our lives.Andrew Davison
From SLAM to Spatial AI; Professor of Robot Vision, Imperial College London; Director of the Dyson Robotics Lab; Co-Founder of Slamcore. FREng, FRS.Justin Johnson
Assistant Professor @UMich CSE; Previously Research Scientist @MetaAI; CS PhD @Stanford. Deep Learning + Computer Vision.Peyman Milanfar
Distinguished Scientist at Google. Computational Imaging, Machine Learning, and Vision. Tweets = personal opinions. May change or disappear over time.Yuki
Assistant Professor for Computer Vision and Machine Learning at the QUVA Lab, @UvA_Amsterdam. Previously @Oxford_VGG, @OxfordAI, interned @facebookaiMatthias Niessner
Professor for Visual Computing & Artificial Intelligence @TU_Muenchen Co-Founder @synthesiaIOJia-Bin Huang
Associate Professor @umdcs; Part-time Research Scientist @Meta. I like pixels.Boqing Gong
Research Scientist at Google ResearchKosta Derpanis
#CS Associate Prof @YorkUniversity, #ComputerVision Scientist Samsung #AI, @VectorInst Faculty Affiliate, TPAMI AE, #ECCV2024 Publicity Co-chairChristian Wolf
Principal Scientist, @NaverLabsEurope, Lead of Spatial AI team. AI for Robotics. IEEE-PAMI area editor. Feedback: admonymous.co/chriswolfvisionAntonino Furnari
Tenure-Track Assist. Prof. at @unict_it. Member of @ego4_d and #EPICKITCHENS. I'm interested in egocentric (first-person) vision for user-centric computing.WACV
The IEEE’s and the PAMI-TC’s premier meeting on applications of computer vision | Feb 28 - Mar 4 Tucson, ArizonaAndrew Owens
Assistant professor @ UMich EECSRicha Singh
Shaping the future with AI research excellence! More about ELLIS: ellis.euEuropean Conference on Computer Vision #ECCV2024
Official Account for the European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV) #ECCV2024 🇮🇹 Hosted by @CSProfKGD @abby621 @jbhuang0604Rogerio Feris
Principal scientist and manager at the MIT-IBM Watson AI LabBritish Machine Vision Conference (BMVC)
Official account for #BMVC2024 in Glasgow 🏴 25-28 Nov 2024. Hosts @ger_ac83 and @EdmondSLHo from @UofGlasgow @GlasgowCS. CORE A since 2023!Jian Jiang
Siyu Tang @VLG-ETHZ
Assistant Professor at ETH Zurich. Working on Computer Vision, Machine Learning, and Digital Humans.Torsten Sattler
Computer Vision researcher, academicHilde Kuehne
Professor for CS at the Tuebingen AI Center @uni_tue and affiliated Professor at MIT-IBM Watson AI lab @MITIBMLab - Multimodal learning and video understandingMaria Vakalopoulou
Assistant Professor @centralesupelec and @UnivParisSaclay. Researcher on the topics of Machine Learning; Deep Learning; Medical Imaging; Remote SensingFernando De la Torre
Researcher in Computer Vision and Machine Learning @ Carnegie Mellon University. Traveler at heart. Occasional Entrepreneur/Investor.International Conference on 3D Vision
Official account for International Conference on 3D Vision (3DV) #3DV2025 🇸🇬 Hosts @yuliangxiu @songyoupeng @sammy_j_cBelongie Lab
Computer Vision & Machine Learning • PI @SergeBelongie • SØ(3) @diku_institut 2021-present • SE(3) @cornell_tech 2013-2021 • SO(3) @ucsd_cse 2001-2012Waabi
Building the next generation of self-driving technology. [email protected]Neural Fields
Neural fields in visual computing and beyond. Join community slack: join.slack.com/t/neuralfields…Jitendra MALIK
Official account for the IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision. #ICCV2023 Paris 🇫🇷 co-hosts @abby621, @BoqingGo and @CSProfKGD.Angela Yao
Associate Professor at the School of Computing, NUS. Computer vision researcher, working on video understanding and 3D/4D humansACCV
The Official Account for the Asian Conference on Computer Vision (ACCV). #ACCV2024 Hanoi 🇻🇳 Co-host by @3scorciav.ELLIS Amsterdam
Twitter account of the ELLIS Amsterdam Unit. Promoting research excellence and advancing breakthroughs in AI. Maintainers: @pranindiati & @cgmsnoekLaura Leal-Taixe
Senior Research Manager at @NVIDIA. Prev Professor at @TU_Muenchen. Computer Vision mostly. Views are my own.WiCV
Women in Computer Vision Workshop @eccvconf, @CVPR 2024. Raising the visibility of female computer vision researchers.Marcus Brubaker
Assoc Prof @YorkUniversity Affiliate @VectorInst Status @UofTCompSci Cofounder @StructuraBio Visiting Prof @SamsungResearch Toronto Advisor @BorealisAI He/HimLi Zhaoping
Prof. and head of Dept. of Sensory and Sensorimotor System, Max Planck Inst. of Biol. Cybern, author of "Understanding vision: theory, models, and data"Vector Institute
The Vector Institute is dedicated to AI, excelling in machine & deep learning research. AI-generated content will be disclosed. FR: @InstitutVecteurDmytro Mishkin 🇺🇦
Marrying classical CV and Deep Learning. I do things, which work, rather than being novel, but not working.Yejin Choi
professor at UW, director at ⚡️, adventurer at heartSergey Levine
Associate Professor at UC Berkeley Co-founder, Physical IntelligenceAutonomous Vision Group
Autonomous Vision Group of Andreas Geiger at the University of Tübingen. We are excited about Computer Vision, Machine Learning and Robotics.