Carnegie China (@carnegiechina) 's Twitter Profile
Carnegie China


@CarnegieChina is an East Asia-based research center focused on China’s regional and global role. Part of the @CarnegieEndow. RT≠endorsement

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尤金•鲁默(Eugene Rumer)撰文指出,中国对俄乌战争采取了审慎回应,其目的是在最大限度地提高利益的同时将受到美国制裁的风险降至最低。这很可能成为莫斯科在台湾发生战争时向北京提供援助的样板。…

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In their new book, Andrew Yeo and Isaac B. Kardon examine how the geopolitical interests of the #US, #China, and #Russia and their respective underlying force posture interact in different regions of the world.…

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吕寅晔(Andrew Yeo)和孔适海(Isaac B. Kardon)在新书《大国竞争与海外基地(Great Power Competition and Overseas Bases)》中探讨了美国、中国和俄罗斯的地缘政治利益及其各自的潜在军事态势如何在全球不同地区相互作用。…

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.Michael Pettis: If #China cannot sharply increase the role of consumption in its economy, it will either have to accommodate explosive growth in #debt, or it will have to adjust rapidly and disruptively in the form of a contraction in #GDP.…

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迈克尔·佩蒂斯(Michael Pettis)在China’s Reform Imperative系列的最新分析中指出,如果中国不能大幅提升消费在其经济中的作用,那么它要么必须适应债务的爆炸性增长,要么必须以GDP收缩的形式进行快速、有破坏性的调整。…

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The recent meeting between Jake Sullivan and Wang Yi helps establish forward momentum and a willingness to engage between #US and #China, but a US president is unlikely to be able to deliver much in their last few months in office, says Ian Chong 莊嘉穎:…

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庄嘉颖(Ian Chong 莊嘉穎)表示,杰克·沙利文和王毅近期的领导人会晤有助于为中美关系建立发展的势头和交流的意愿,但美国总统不太可能在其任期的最后几个月里实现太多成就。…

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#Beijing is determined to keep pace with #America’s satellites for two reasons: military necessity and geopolitical influence. Read Steven Feldstein’s latest analysis:…

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北京决心赶上美国卫星发展的步伐有两个原因:军事必要性和地缘政治影响力。 阅读史蒂芬·费尔德施泰因(Steven Feldstein)的最新文章:…

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By doubling down on manufacturing when it already produces close to a third of global factory output, #China is effectively asking the rest of the world to reduce its share of production. But the rest of the world wants the opposite, says Michael Pettis:…

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迈克尔·佩蒂斯(Michael Pettis)表示,在其制造业产量已经占全球产量近三分之一的情况下,中国加倍投入制造业,实际上是在要求世界其他国家减少产量份额。但其他国家想要的恰恰相反。…

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How is #China shaping the future of alternative energy in #CentralAsia? Yunis Sharifli explains in a recent video:…

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中国如何塑造中亚替代能源的未来?尤里斯·沙里夫里(Yunis Sharifli)在近期视频中提供了他的解读:…

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Several trends both within and beyond the #UN system offer Southeast Asian nations a way to fix the fissures of multilateralism and, in some instances, get ahead of repairs, writes Elina Noor via South China Morning Post:…

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埃利娜·努尔(Elina Noor)通过《南华早报》(South China Morning Post)撰文指出,联合国体系内外的几个趋势为东南亚国家提供了一种修复多边主义裂痕的方法,并且在某些情况下甚至可以提前于修复需要的出现。…

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Central Asian nations are boldly and creatively tackling some of the world’s most complex geopolitical tasks. However, internal dynamics still present a formidable challenge to regional stability and prosperity, write Jen Brick Murtazashvili and Temur Umarov 马铁木:…

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詹妮弗·穆尔塔扎什维利(Jen Brick Murtazashvili)和马铁木(Temur Umarov 马铁木)撰文指出,中亚国家正在大胆且富有创造性地应对一些世界上最复杂的地缘政治任务。然而,内部态势仍然对地区稳定和繁荣构成严峻挑战。…

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As cooperation within the Global South and cooperation between the Global South and #China increases, the Global North is losing leverage, write Stewart Patrick, Elizabeth Sidiropoulos & Erica Hogan:…

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斯图尔特·帕特里克(Stewart Patrick),伊丽莎白·西迪罗普洛斯(Elizabeth Sidiropoulos)和艾丽卡·霍根(Erica Hogan)撰文表示,随着全球南方国家之间以及全球南方与中国之间合作的加强,全球北方的影响力正在减弱。…