Julius Nikorowitsch(@JNikorowitsch) 's Twitter Profileg
Julius Nikorowitsch


Cardiac Electrophysiologist @ University Heart Center Lübeck


calendar_today30-08-2014 11:14:46

35 Tweets


202 Following

Julius Nikorowitsch(@JNikorowitsch) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Proud to present our data on oral anticoagulation in patients with device-detected atrial fibrillation and multiple stroke risk factors AGEP


HeartRhythm(@hrs_journal) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Repeat pulmonary vein isolation and anterior line ablation using a novel point-by-point pulsed field ablation system
Jan-Per Wenzel Andreas Metzner, Andreas Rillig Laura Rottner Julius Nikorowitsch


HeartRhythm(@hrs_journal) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Left Bundle Branch Pacing lead for sensing ventricular arrhythmias in Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillator: A Pilot Study (LBBP-ICD study), by Shunmuga Sundaram Ponnusamy and colleagues heartrhythmjournal.com/article/S1547-…

HeartRhythm(@hrs_journal) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Repeat pulmonary vein isolation and anterior line ablation using a novel point-by-point pulsed field ablation system
Jan-Per Wenzel, Andreas Metzner, Andreas Rillig, Laura Rottner, Julius Nikorowitsch

Jan-Per Wenzel(@PerWenzel) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Check out our 🆕data on focal PFA for repeat PVI & anterior line ablation

✅100% acute PVI
☑️84% anterior line block
‼️But ~50% acute reconnection rate of anterior line after initial block


HeartRhythm Andreas Metzner Andreas Rillig

micogriecomd(@micogriecomd) 's Twitter Profile Photo

For those who are used to perform septal RVP with 3D-manually shaped stylet Ludwik's technique for LBBAP is the following step. Tips: keep CCW rotation of the FIRM stylet while lead screwing and check for HELIX RETRACTION

For those who are used to perform septal RVP with 3D-manually shaped stylet Ludwik's technique for LBBAP is the following step. Tips: keep CCW rotation of the FIRM stylet while lead screwing and check for HELIX RETRACTION #LBBAP #CSP #pacing
Andreas Metzner(@AndreasMetzner7) 's Twitter Profile Photo

🫵 New insights into point-by-point PFA-based PVI! Novel data by Jan-Per Wenzel and Bruno Reissmann in Circulation A&E @UHZ Hamburg-Eppendorf 🫵

🫵 New insights into point-by-point PFA-based PVI! Novel data by Jan-Per Wenzel and Bruno Reissmann in Circulation A&E @UHZ Hamburg-Eppendorf 🫵
Laura Rottner(@laura_rottner) 's Twitter Profile Photo


Bald ist es wieder Zeit für den DGK in Hamburg, diesmal unter dem Motto 'Einmal Rhythmologie und zurück!' 🫀

⏰ 14.09.2023, 18-20 Uhr
🏘️ Restaurant Cuneo, Mitten auf St. Pauli

Unbedingt anmelden unter akademie.dgk.org/anmeldung/page…


🚨AUFGEPASST 🚨 Bald ist es wieder Zeit für den @DGK #BeatClub in Hamburg, diesmal unter dem Motto 'Einmal Rhythmologie und zurück!' 🫀 ⏰ 14.09.2023, 18-20 Uhr 🏘️ Restaurant Cuneo, Mitten auf St. Pauli Unbedingt anmelden unter akademie.dgk.org/anmeldung/page… @YoungDgk @AGEP_DGK
REVIVED(@REVIVED_BCIS2) 's Twitter Profile Photo

New REVIVED arrhythmia analysis! 📢
➡️ PCI does NOT reduce death or aborted sudden death in ischemic LV dysfunction
➡️ No difference in rate of ICD therapies or sustained ventricular arrhythmias
British Heart Foundation NIHR Research Divaka Perera Mark Petrie

New REVIVED arrhythmia analysis! 📢 ➡️ PCI does NOT reduce death or aborted sudden death in ischemic LV dysfunction ➡️ No difference in rate of ICD therapies or sustained ventricular arrhythmias @TheBHF @NIHRresearch @divaka_perera @markcpetrie20 ahajournals.org/doi/abs/10.116…
JACC Journals(@JACCJournals) 's Twitter Profile Photo

LBBAP significantly reduced primary outcome of death or hospitalization compared to biventricular pacing in a large observational study of 1,778 patients. bit.ly/45kwURO

@hisdoc1 @kennethellenbo1 Jerin George Mishal Mumtaz

LBBAP significantly reduced primary outcome of death or #heartfailure hospitalization compared to biventricular pacing in a large observational study of 1,778 patients. bit.ly/45kwURO #JACC #LVEF #CardioTwitter @hisdoc1 @kennethellenbo1 @jerin3590 @Mishalmumtaz_
curilakarol(@curilakarol) 's Twitter Profile Photo

This was definitely a CRT pt with the greatest dyssynchrony during spontaneous LBBB I have seen until now.
nsLBBP completely abolished the problem. The patient is in NYHA I, and LVEF improved by 12,5% after 6 months.
Kevin Vernooy Óscar Cano Haran Burri Pugal Vijayaraman Marek Jastrzębski

This was definitely a CRT pt with the greatest dyssynchrony during spontaneous LBBB I have seen until now. nsLBBP completely abolished the problem. The patient is in NYHA I, and LVEF improved by 12,5% after 6 months. @kvernooy @OCanoPerez @HaranBurri @Hisdoc1 @Marek_Jastrz_EP
HamburgBeats(@HamburgBeats) 's Twitter Profile Photo

💡THESE: Die VT-Ablation immer so früh wie möglich!

Die HamburgBeats rücken näher, und damit auch ein weiterer wichtiger Schlagabtausch 🥊!

Diskutiert wird über den optimalen Zeitpunkt für die VT-Ablation 🫀!

Andreas Metzner Andreas Rillig

💡THESE: Die VT-Ablation immer so früh wie möglich! Die @HamburgBeats rücken näher, und damit auch ein weiterer wichtiger Schlagabtausch 🥊! Diskutiert wird über den optimalen Zeitpunkt für die VT-Ablation 🫀! @AndreasMetzner7 @AndreasRillig