Providing videos & content of #PGUncommitted prospects
ID: 1241026229819584512 20-03-2020 15:38:43
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Christian Sheffield (26 FL) with a good long at bat before driving one the other way for an rbi. Easy bat speed and showing all field ability this summer. #ACGames Perfect Game Florida PG_Uncommitted
Shawn Mack (26 AZ) good physical projection and a quick arm. Life to the upper-80’s FB and spun it in the 2800-3000~ range. Lots of S/M potential and excellent overall upside. FB-CB shown. #ACGames PG_Uncommitted Perfect Game Four Corners
Ethan Carswell (26 KS) with a couple loud contacts. Good eye-hand and can hit to all fields. This an 88EV liner. #ACGames PG_Uncommitted
Keon Johnson (26 GA) has really quick hands and an aggressive approach. Laces one to the opposite field here. Also made a great diving play on the infield to take away a hit. #ACGames Perfect Game Georgia PG_Uncommitted
Colin Quinn (26 IL) stays through this and drills a liner to the opposite field gap for a double. Can handle a staff behind the dish too. #ACGames PG_Uncommitted
Carson May (26 IL) buys time with the lower half and stays in it long enough to shoot a single through the PS. Middle of the line up bat at the next level. #ACGames PG_Uncommitted
Jacob Lombard (26 FL) premium tools across the board. Shows the bat speed here on a 99EV barrel to the PS. #ACGames Perfect Game Florida PG_Uncommitted
Joey Lawson (26 FL) laces this to the opposite field, the liner came off at 90. Interesting 2-way prospect. #ACGames Perfect Game Florida PG_Uncommitted
Dylan Minnatee (26 CA) with another couple knocks on day 2. Can really manipulate the barrel and the seing projects for power. #ACGames Perfect Game California PG_Uncommitted
Luke Reagins (26 NY) has been on time and on the barrel thus far. Another liner single to plate a pair. #ACGames PG Mid Atlantic (NY, NJ, PA, MD,DE,DC) PG_Uncommitted
Ryan Morel (26 NY) another day, another barrel for the LH hitter. Real feel to hit. #ACGames PG Mid Atlantic (NY, NJ, PA, MD,DE,DC) PG_Uncommitted
Abram Sherrin (26 AZ) has a couple loud barrels on the week so far. Good feel for the barrel and hits to all fields. Versatile defender on the infield. #ACGames Perfect Game Four Corners PG_Uncommitted
Will Carter (‘25, IL) blowing smoke up to 90 mph & holding upper-80s. Burst out of the hand & overpowering hitters. CB in the low- to mid-70s w/tight shape & spin up to 2,500 RPMs. CH at 81 w/ depth & fade, killing spin into 1,500s. Perfect Game Illinois PG_Uncommitted #STLUncommitted
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