PUNCH4NFDI(@Punch4NFDI) 's Twitter Profileg


Particles, Universe, NuClei and Hadrons for the NFDI


linkhttp://www.punch4nfdi.de calendar_today01-10-2020 07:12:17

285 Tweets


123 Following

ErUM-Data-Hub(@ErUMDataHub) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Young with a basic knowledge of : Register now for our school (7 Aug – 10 Aug) in Meinerzhagen. Intensive classes on Building Blocks, Mastering Model Building and Convolutional s will be held: indico.desy.de/event/37477/

Young #scientists with a basic knowledge of #physics: Register now for our #deeplearning school (7 Aug – 10 Aug) in Meinerzhagen. Intensive classes on #NeuralNetwork Building Blocks, Mastering Model Building and Convolutional #NeuralNetworks will be held: indico.desy.de/event/37477/
Munich Data Science Institute(@MdsiTum) 's Twitter Profile Photo

🎉Results of Kaggle competition IceCube - Neutrinos in Deep Ice are in!

The kaggle competition ended on April 19 2023, with over eleven thousand entries by 901 participants. 3 winners and 5 runner-ups have been selected.

Info: kaggle.com/competitions/i…

NFDI - @NFDI@nfdi.social(@NFDI_de) 's Twitter Profile Photo

In our next - , Antonia Schrader from helmholtz_os will talk about a Persistent Identifiers ( ) strategy for Germany.

➡ Registration (includes discussion): nfdi.de/talks/
➡ Stream: youtube.com/watch?v=ZxPfvk…

In our next #NFDI-#InfraTalk, @AntoniaCamiS from @helmholtz_os will talk about a Persistent Identifiers (#PID) strategy for Germany. ➡ Registration (includes discussion): nfdi.de/talks/ ➡ Stream: youtube.com/watch?v=ZxPfvk… #FAIRdata #openscience #RDM #FDM
CherenkovTelArray(@CTA_Observatory) 's Twitter Profile Photo

📣New for researchers! On Thursday, 25 May at 17:30 CEST, Prof. Mark Allen will join us to talk about and interoperability, delving into the lessons learnt from the ESCAPE project.

Learn more & register: cta-observatory.org/science/webina…

📣New #webinar for researchers! On Thursday, 25 May at 17:30 CEST, Prof. Mark Allen will join us to talk about #openscience and interoperability, delving into the lessons learnt from the @ESCAPE_EU project. Learn more & register: cta-observatory.org/science/webina… #CTAO #CTAC #synergies
NFDI - @NFDI@nfdi.social(@NFDI_de) 's Twitter Profile Photo

3 questions, 3 hours. In our new format 3questions3hours , we invite you to an open discussion on our Mastodon instance nfdi.social.
The first issue will focus on the use of in research and will start on 23 May at 1 PM.

➡️More: nfdi.de/new-discussion…

3 questions, 3 hours. In our new format #NFDI3questions3hours, we invite you to an open discussion on our #NFDI Mastodon instance @nfdi.social. The first issue will focus on the use of #AI in research and will start on 23 May at 1 PM. ➡️More: nfdi.de/new-discussion… #FDM #RDM
NFDI - @NFDI@nfdi.social(@NFDI_de) 's Twitter Profile Photo

A strong network needs good coordination. 💪 For this reason, people from our consortia met for a second in-person meeting of the Managementkreis.
The meeting addressed common challenges and approaches to solutions with a focus on administrative issues. Thank to DESY (Deutsch)!

A strong network needs good coordination. 💪 For this reason, people from our #NFDI consortia met for a second in-person meeting of the Managementkreis. The meeting addressed common challenges and approaches to solutions with a focus on administrative issues. Thank to @desy!
FAIRmat(@FAIRmat_NFDI) 's Twitter Profile Photo

🗓️The next Physical Sciences in colloquium will take place on 15.06.23 with speaker Taylor Sparks!
🌍Join us in Berlin or online

🗓️The next Physical Sciences in #NFDI colloquium will take place on 15.06.23 with speaker @taylordsparks! 🌍Join us in Berlin or online fairmat-nfdi.eu/events/taylor-…
ErUM-Data-Hub(@ErUMDataHub) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Last week, Scientists discussed how data are acquired, stored, accessed and analyzed in . Participants analyzed common requirements and design patterns and discussed strategic synergies for the next generation of the interoperable data analytics environment.

Last week, #ErUMScientists discussed how data are acquired, stored, accessed and analyzed in #ErUM. Participants analyzed common requirements and design patterns and discussed strategic synergies for the next generation of the interoperable data analytics environment.
FAIR-IMPACT(@fairimpact_eu) 's Twitter Profile Photo

📣👋Are you involved on & interested in persistent identifiers , semantic artifacts & complex ?Join us on 25May & share your work to help us define best practices to help 🇪🇺 in embrancing 💁 fair-impact.eu/events/fairimp…

📣👋Are you involved on #openscience #datamanagement & interested in persistent identifiers #PIDs, semantic artifacts & complex #datacitation?Join us on 25May & share your work to help us define best practices to help 🇪🇺 in embrancing #FAIRprinciples 💁 fair-impact.eu/events/fairimp…
German Astronomical Society(@GermanAstroSoc) 's Twitter Profile Photo

We are happy to invite all young AG-members to join the second jAG summerschool! The school will be hosted by Dr. Karl Remeis-Observatory on the 8th and 9th of July 2023.
You can find more information here 👇

We are happy to invite all young AG-members to join the second jAG summerschool! The school will be hosted by @DrRemeis on the 8th and 9th of July 2023. You can find more information here 👇 astronomische-gesellschaft.de/en/News/junge-…
NFDI - @NFDI@nfdi.social(@NFDI_de) 's Twitter Profile Photo

The deadline for submissions to the first Conference on Research Data Infrastructure is extended to 26 April at 12 noon CEST. The submission system has been simplified.
➡️Call: nfdi.de/cordi-2023-cal…
➡️Submissions: tib-op.org/ojs/index.php/…

The deadline for submissions to the first Conference on Research Data Infrastructure #CoRDI2023 is extended to 26 April at 12 noon CEST. The submission system has been simplified. ➡️Call: nfdi.de/cordi-2023-cal… ➡️Submissions: tib-op.org/ojs/index.php/…
NFDI - @NFDI@nfdi.social(@NFDI_de) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Submission of abstracts for our 1st Conference on Research Data Infrastructure KIT Karlsruhe is now open.

➡️We look forward to receiving your submissions until 21 April: tib-op.org/ojs/index.php/…
ℹ️Info: nfdi.de/cordi-2023-cal…

Submission of abstracts for our 1st Conference on Research Data Infrastructure #CoRDI2023 @KITKarlsruhe is now open. ➡️We look forward to receiving your submissions until 21 April: tib-op.org/ojs/index.php/… ℹ️Info: nfdi.de/cordi-2023-cal… #FDM #RDM
MS Wissenschaft(@_mswiss) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Was sind Schwarze Löcher? Sind wir allein im Universum? Und was macht unsere Erde zu einem bewohnbaren Planeten? Diesen und weiteren Fragen widmet sich 2023 im Wissenschaftsjahr Alle Infos gibt es ab jetzt hier: ms-wissenschaft.de

NFDI - @NFDI@nfdi.social(@NFDI_de) 's Twitter Profile Photo

The Task Force for Evaluation and Reporting is working on the preparation of the interim reports of the consortia and the structural evaluation of NFDI. For this purpose, the white paper “Interim Report Reference” was published.

➡️Zenodo: zenodo.org/record/7688729…

NFDI - @NFDI@nfdi.social(@NFDI_de) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Our director York Sure-Vetter is also Chair of the High Level Advisory Commitee of FAIR-IMPACT.
FAIR-IMPACT supports the implementation of FAIR-enabling practices, tools and services across scientific communities with the goal to realise an of and services.

WissKon(@WissKon) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Wie wird aus einer gewöhnlichen Präsentation eine unvergessliche Show? Beim Workshop „Show(ify) your Research” bei der üben Dr. Anja Horvat und David Ohse mit Dir dreidimensionales und die Interaktion mit dem Publikum. nawik.de/wisskon/die-ko…

Wie wird aus einer gewöhnlichen Präsentation eine unvergessliche Show? Beim Workshop „Show(ify) your Research” bei der #WissKon23 üben Dr. Anja Horvat und David Ohse mit Dir dreidimensionales #Storytelling und die Interaktion mit dem Publikum. #Wisskomm nawik.de/wisskon/die-ko…