Sheriffo Bah (@bah7sheriffo) 's Twitter Profile
Sheriffo Bah


I do like making friends from all around the world! Blessings, peace and gratitude to all

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Sheriffo Bah (@bah7sheriffo) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.

Sheriffo Bah (@bah7sheriffo) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Therefore the Lord will wait, that He may be gracious to you; and therefore He will be exalted, that He may have mercy on you. For the Lord is a God of justice; Blessed are all those who wait for Him. Isaiah 30:18

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The righteous have great treasure in their houses. The wicked use their earnings to bring trouble upon themselves. Proverbs 15:6 In the house of the righteous is much treasure: but in the revenues of the wicked is trouble.

Sheriffo Bah (@bah7sheriffo) 's Twitter Profile Photo

God wants his children to be successful and happy. Therefore, He promises those who are righteous that He will bless their homes with great treasures. Keep in mind, greatest treasures of life and the richest blessings of God have nothing to do with money or material possessions

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These intangible qualities cannot be bought with money. They are far more valuable than all the material possessions a person could ever acquire. It is a well-known fact that the wicked sometimes have large incomes and own every conceivable material possession.

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But when their lives, money, and homes are not managed by God’s principles, all that they have can never fulfill the lack and restlessness they feel deep in their hearts.

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In fact, their seeking more and more is an attempt to fulfill their sense of lack and restlessness. As a result, their coveting more and more sometimes leads to trouble. In essence, wealth often breeds trouble—problems people would not encounter if they had less money.

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A humble home guided by biblical thinking is often the happiest. V. 7 The wise share knowledge through their speaking and their lives. The foolish speak only folly. L

Sheriffo Bah (@bah7sheriffo) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Proverbs 15:7 The lips of the wise disperse knowledge: but the heart of the foolish doeth not so. An analysis of this proverb clarifies its truth:

Sheriffo Bah (@bah7sheriffo) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Lips are the gates that either contain or release words. In this proverb, the lips of the wise are open: they are speaking words and sharing knowledge. The words themselves—the knowledge—come from a heart that has been filled with God’s Word.

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Disperse or spread is often translated as scatter. It is the word used of fanning or winnowing grain to separate the chaff. The motion would release the chaff into the air, where it would be carried away and scattered by the wind. The lips of wise are open to scatter knowledge.

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The picture is not that of individuals walking around with the distinct purpose of spouting their knowledge. It is the spreading of knowledge through the normal course and activities of life. As people speak and live wisely, their wisdom is dispersed.

Sheriffo Bah (@bah7sheriffo) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Merciful Father, we are thankful for Your mercy that withholds judgment and gives us forgiveness. Isaiah said: “All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned every one to his own way; and the LORD hath laid on him the iniquity of us all.”

Sheriffo Bah (@bah7sheriffo) 's Twitter Profile Photo

We know we have sinned and deserve our punishment, but You love us so much that You actually sent Jesus to take our punishment, to take our sin upon Himself. Thank You!

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O what a Savior! We pray we will walk with gratitude because we can have freedom from the bondage of sin in our lives. We pray for wisdom as we make daily decisions that will either honor You or bring shame upon Your name.

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Decisions that will either bless us, our families, or will bring curses on the same. We pray we will be so careful the seed that we plant in our lives and in the lives of our children and grandchildren.

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For surely, the seed that we plant will come up and will either bring good things in our lives or bring very unpleasant things that we will have to deal with, that will rob us of our peace and joy.

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Dear Lord, we ask for Your guidance as we submit to You. In the precious name of Jesus, we pray, Amen and Amen. Until next time, be thankful, make wise decisions, plant good seed, In His Grip, God Bless