Nina(@computerspinnt) 's Twitter Profileg


Reparaturrevolutionärin a.d.
Bisschen unzufrieden mit der Gesamtsituation.
Baut gerne Erfahrungswelten.
Georeferenziert und Differenziert. Malt auch.


link calendar_today30-07-2012 08:19:12

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187 Following

Historic Vids(@historyinmemes) 's Twitter Profile Photo

In 1959, Volkswagen introduced an optional coffee machine for their vehicles. Interestingly, Volkswagen also has a unique product line: sausages known as 'currywurst,' which have outperformed their car sales. These sausages are manufactured at the main factory and are branded as…

In 1959, Volkswagen introduced an optional coffee machine for their vehicles. Interestingly, Volkswagen also has a unique product line: sausages known as 'currywurst,' which have outperformed their car sales. These sausages are manufactured at the main factory and are branded as…
Historic Vids(@historyinmemes) 's Twitter Profile Photo

This is Marion Stokes, a Philadelphia librarian who began taping whatever was on television from 1975 until her death in 2012. She made a total of 71,000 VHS and Betamax tapes, which is the most comprehensive collection of television during this era.

She was able to pay for her…

This is Marion Stokes, a Philadelphia librarian who began taping whatever was on television from 1975 until her death in 2012. She made a total of 71,000 VHS and Betamax tapes, which is the most comprehensive collection of television during this era. She was able to pay for her…
Michael Fischer(@der_fisch001) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Seit 30 Jahren IT und Security. Seit 30 Jahren die selben Rezepte zur Absicherung und Backups.

Und immer noch verlieren Firmen viel durch Ransomware.


Nicht, weil die IT nicht weiss, wie es richtig geht.

Sondern weil die IT kein Geld für ECHTE Sicherheit bekommt.
