Shamah (@shamah_rasheed) 's Twitter Profile


A fisherman 🐟

ID: 1051238558

calendar_today31-12-2012 21:36:53

175 Tweet


298 Following

Pokman 🇲🇻 (@pokmanmv) 's Twitter Profile Photo

All the more reasons why Maldives Police should steer their investigation on the presumption that it might very well be an inside job from MDP itself.

Aisthu 🎈🩵 (@aisthu) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Remember this girl? Maumoon Abdul Gayoom I think this happened during your time. What was her crime to be raped by Officials? who was the Official? Can you remember?

Remember this girl? <a href="/maumoonagayoom/">Maumoon Abdul Gayoom</a> I think this happened during your time. What was her crime to be raped by Officials? who was the Official? Can you remember?
Niyaz Ibrahim (@niyaz_ibrahim) 's Twitter Profile Photo

MDP akahves adhi PPM akahves MMPRC ge khiyaanaathuge massala insaafuverikamaa eku balai raiyyithunnah insaaf hoadhai dhevidhaane kamah qabooleh nukuran. Mifaisaage jehifa thibi meehun mi dhe party ge is safugaives ehaame gina.

Shamah (@shamah_rasheed) 's Twitter Profile Photo

ބައްޔަކަށް ފިލަން މަސައްކަތެއް ނުކޮށް ގޭގަ ބަންދުވެފައި ހުންނަންޖެހޭ ކޮންމެ ދުހަކަށް އެތައްގުނައަކަށް ބޮލުގައި ދަރަނި އަޅައިގެން ދިރިއުޅުމުގެ ބޭނުމަކީ ކޮބާ؟

Shamah (@shamah_rasheed) 's Twitter Profile Photo

ދައުލަތުން މުސާރަލިބޭ ފަރާތްތަކަށް ލޮކްޑައުން ނިމެންދެން އެ ނުލިބޭގޮތަށް ހަދައިފިނަމަ ކިހާ ދުވަހަކު މި ލޮކްޑައުން އޮންނާނެބާ؟

Shamah (@shamah_rasheed) 's Twitter Profile Photo

މި ދަތި ދުވަސްތަކުގައި ދައުލަތުން އާންމު ރައްޔިތުންގެ ކުއްޔާއި ބިލްތަކުގެ %50 ކޮންޓްރިބިއުޓް ކޮށްދީ ރައްޔިތުން އެއްހަމައެއްގައި ތިބެމާ؟

Shamah (@shamah_rasheed) 's Twitter Profile Photo

ދައުލަތުގެ ވެރިން ވައްކަންކުރެއްވުން ތަންފުކެއް މަދުކުރައްވާ ދައުލަތުގެ ވަޒީފާއެއް ނުލިބިފައިތިބި ފަރާތްތަކަށް ނަން އެންޕްލޮއިމަންޓް އެލޯވަންސެއް ދެއްވުން ކީއްތޯވާނީ؟ ރައްޔިތުންނަށް ފައިދާހުރި އެންމެކަމެއްނަމަވެސް ނުވާނެތޯ؟

Mohamed Nasheed (@mohamednasheed) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Alhugandu ge rahmaitheriya adhi Alifushee dhaairage member ah engivadaigannavaane ebeyfulha siyaasee faidha ah takai kuravva kankamaai vidhaalhuva basfulhuthah. Alhugandah rangalhee ehen beyfulhun alhugadah bahattaavane vafaatherikamai madhadhu ge vaahaka e beyfulha nudhekkeviyya

Shamah (@shamah_rasheed) 's Twitter Profile Photo

The high rental of commercial premises in Malé is subject to certain implied circumstances that are no longer there. Those agreements shall be void and unenforceable during the current conditions where we don’t have the freedom of movement.

Zeina Shareef (@studioskysi) 's Twitter Profile Photo

I made ‘Lagoon’s Edge’ into a phone wallpaper! 🥳 To get it: 1. Like & retweet this tweet 2. Comment a ‘🌴’ emoji and I’ll dm you the wallpaper ☺️ (make sure your privacy settings are set to allow messages)

I made ‘Lagoon’s Edge’ into a phone wallpaper! 🥳 To get it:
1. Like &amp; retweet this tweet
2. Comment a ‘🌴’ emoji
and I’ll dm you the wallpaper ☺️ (make sure your privacy settings are set to allow messages)
Ahmed Azaan (@axanner) 's Twitter Profile Photo

#Breaking: We have verified the claims made by Mohamed Nasheed It is true and now government officials are searching for that girl. (seems she is not in Maldives) Probably to arrest and silence her?

Dr Mohamed Muizzu (@mmuizzu) 's Twitter Profile Photo

It is with utmost concern that we highlight the excessive use of force and abuse of power against Progressive Party of Maldives member Nail, during yesterday's peaceful protest in the capital city Male'. We even heard of continued inhumane physical torture that he has gone through after

It is with utmost concern that we highlight the excessive use of force and abuse of power against <a href="/ProgressPartyMV/">Progressive Party of Maldives</a> member Nail, during yesterday's peaceful protest in the capital city Male'.  We even heard of continued inhumane physical torture that he has gone through after
Sukun Play (@sukunplay) 's Twitter Profile Photo

ފައިސާ ބަރުކޮށްގެން މަހިބަދޫއަށް ދިޔަ ސްޓެލްކޯގެ ޗޯންޗަށް އެރަށު މީހުން އަރާ، މައްސަލަ ފުލުހަށް - ލޯންޗަށް އެރި މީހުންގެ ތެރޭގައި މަހިބަދޫ ދާއިރާގެ މެންބަރު ތޯރިޤް ހިމެނޭ - ޕީޕީއެމްއިން ބުނީ ފުލުހުން މައްސަލަ ބަލަން ދެކޮޅު ހަދާ ލޯންޗު ނުބެލިކަމަށް #Maldives #RiyaaC2023

The President's Office (@presidencymv) 's Twitter Profile Photo

ޤާނޫނަށް އިޞްލާހު ގެނެސް މީރާއަށް ލިބޭ އާމުދަނީގެ ވަކި ބައެއް ސީދާ ކައުންސިލްތަކަށް ލިބޭނެގޮތް ހަދައި ލާމަރުކަޒީ ނިޒާމު ހަރުދަނާކުރާނަން - ރައީސުލްޖުމްހޫރިއްޔާ

Dr Mohamed Muizzu (@mmuizzu) 's Twitter Profile Photo

ކުޑަކުދިީންނަށް ޖިންސީ ގޯނާކުރިކަމުގެ ތުހުމަތުގައި ހައްޔަރުކޮށް، ނުވަތަ ޙުކުމް ކޮށްފައިވާ މީހުންނަށް މަޢާފުދިނުން، ނުވަތަ ލުއިދީ ދޫކޮށްލުމަކީ އެއްގޮތަކަށްވެސް ބަލައިގަނެވޭނޭ ކަމެއްނޫން. މިގޮތަށް ނިންމާ ނިންމުންތައް ލަސްނުކޮށް އިސްތިޢުނާފު ކުރުމަށް ސަރުކާރުން ޕީޖީ ގައި މިދަނީ