Abu Abdullah (@thinkinzer0) 's Twitter Profile
Abu Abdullah


ID: 1821661360671141888

calendar_today08-08-2024 21:35:12

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DOAM (@doamuslims) 's Twitter Profile Photo

🇹🇷 During President Erdogan's speech, a group of citizens attempted to protest commercial ships continue to sail to Israel to deliver goods there, while humanitarian ships are not allowed to enter #Gaza. The protesters were quickly escorted out of the premises. #Turkiye

🅻🅰🆃🅷🆈🅵 🇲🇻 (@ablathyf) 's Twitter Profile Photo

އިޒްރޭލް ޕާސްޕޯޓް މަނާކުރުމަށް ވަޒީރުންގެ މަޖިލީހުން ނިންމިތާ 3 މަހަށްވުރެ ގިނަދުވަސްވީ. އަދިވެސް ތަންފީޒެއްނުވޭ. ކޮބާތޯ ސަރުކާރާއި ، ސްޕަރ މެޖޯރިޓީ އޮތް ރައްޔިތުންގެ މަޖިލީހުގެ އިހްލާސްތެރިކަން! މިކަމާ އަޑުއުފުލާ ދީނީ ޢިލްމުވެރިން މިއަދު ކޮބައިތޯ! Government of Maldives Dr Mohamed Muizzu

Lord Bebo (@mylordbebo) 's Twitter Profile Photo

🇺🇳🇮🇱🇵🇸🇮🇷 US envoy to UN: “Iran’s fingerprints are all over the region” Journalist: “What about Israel’s fingerprints?” US envoy to UN: “I don’t know what you talk about”

Edward Snowden (@snowden) 's Twitter Profile Photo

What Israel has just done is, via *any* method, reckless. They blew up countless numbers of people who were driving (meaning cars out of control), shopping (your children are in the stroller standing behind him in the checkout line), et cetera. Indistinguishable from terrorism.

Ghassan 𓂆 ☭ غسان (@ghassankde) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Remotely exploding pagers carried by hundreds of people including paramedics, civil defense workers and civilians in 2024, and planting hidden explosives inside children toys back in 1982, are different methods of terrorism by the same genocidal Zionist colonial entity.

UFHealth Whistleblower Kathleen Maynard 🇵🇸Ⓥ (@ihopwaitress74) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Samantha Power USAID Gaza is still starving & has received minimal amounts of the $674 million in aid you claimed to have "surged" between Nov'23 and June'24. Is USAID just a money-laundering, regime-changing arm of the CIA like folks say it is? x.com/IhoPwaitress74…

Owen Jones (@owenjonesjourno) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Leave aside that these pagers are used by doctors and nurses. If Hezbollah blew up the phones or pagers of IDF soldiers, whether or not on duty, inevitably killing and maiming children and bystanders - he'd denounce this as an obscene terrorist attack.

Bassem Youssef (@byoussef) 's Twitter Profile Photo

And suddenly my phone , our security system , my kids tablets are time bombs that detonate at the whims of one country . You win Israel . Not a single politician or late night show talks about this ? None of that worth the news ? Nothing “funny” can come out of it ? The whole

Dr. Anastasia Maria Loupis (@drloupis) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Hello again Elon Musk Jews are once again glorifying violence on your platform. Is this not against your terms of service? Or is there different rules for Jews?

Hello again <a href="/elonmusk/">Elon Musk</a> 

Jews are once again glorifying violence on your platform.

Is this not against your terms of service?  Or is there different rules for Jews?
ミ 𝘚𝘰𝘶𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘯𝘦𝘳 彡 (@miyadhu) 's Twitter Profile Photo

ތިމާގެ އަންހެނުން ކޮންޓުރޯލެއް ނެތޭ ބުނެ މިނިސްޓަރާއި ހަމަޔަށް ބަސް ގެންދިޔުމުން "އެހެންވިއްޔާ ދެން ވަރިކުރާންވީނޫންހޭ" ބުނި ބަހެއް، ބަދަލު މިކޮށްލީ "އަޅުގަނޑުމެން ހައްޔަރު ކުރީމާ ވަރިކުރާންވެސް އެންގިޔޭ." މިއީ ސީދާ ޔަހޫދީން ގެ އުޞޫލު. ޤުރުއާނުގައިވޭ ޔަހޫދީން ތެދު ބަހެއް

Ali Rameez (@aliramyz) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Raajjeyge bayeh dheenee ilmuverin social media gai ekaku anekakah radhdhu dhemundhanee ‘Vakarugey’ kudhinge level ah vureves dhashu dharajaiga. Hithaama huri kameh.

ミ 𝘚𝘰𝘶𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘯𝘦𝘳 彡 (@miyadhu) 's Twitter Profile Photo

🔻 Kab al-Ansārī ✍🏽🏴 ޢިޔާޒާއި ޝަހީމާއި ދެމެދުގައި ތިހުރި ޝައިޠާނާ: އަބޫ އަޢުޔުން ޝިފާނާއި މެދު ސަމާލުވާން ޖެހޭ. ދެކޮޅަށް ވާހަކަ އުފުލައިގެން ދެމީހުން ދެމެދުގައި ތިފުތުނަ ހަދާފައި ތިޔޮތީ އޭނާ.

Azzam (@strangerfrommv) 's Twitter Profile Photo

އެއީ ޖަންކްޝަން ތެރެއަށް އެރިގެން ޖަންކްޝަން ސާފުކުރަން އުޅުމުގެ އަންްޖާމު ކަމަށް ވެސް ވެދާނެއެވެ.

އެއީ ޖަންކްޝަން ތެރެއަށް އެރިގެން ޖަންކްޝަން ސާފުކުރަން އުޅުމުގެ އަންްޖާމު ކަމަށް ވެސް ވެދާނެއެވެ.