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Online-Magazin für Kunst, Kultur und Digitales. Interviews, Podcasts, Rezensionen. Es zwitschern @anneaschenbrenn und @sagthorak.


linkhttp://www.kulturwoche.at calendar_today25-09-2009 11:45:00

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Danny Clinch(@Danny_Clinch) 's Twitter Profile Photo

So cool to see my Bob Dylan portrait in the press for his new book The Philosophy of Modern Song . Truly a highlight to have photographed and spent time with him .

So cool to see my Bob Dylan portrait in the press for his new book The Philosophy of Modern Song . Truly a highlight to have photographed and spent time with him .
Stuff_By_Mark(@The_Ren1981) 's Twitter Profile Photo

The final day of the Halloween themed ‘five songs reimagined as EC Comic covers’ series. Talking Heads’ Psycho Killer, an old one from back before this became a proper series.

The final day of the Halloween themed ‘five songs reimagined as EC Comic covers’ series. Talking Heads’ Psycho Killer, an old one from back before this became a proper series.
Eric Alper 🎧(@ThatEricAlper) 's Twitter Profile Photo

'Little Red Corvette'
'Let's Pretend We're Married'
40 years ago today, Prince released 1999, his first album to be recorded with his band The Revolution and re-fashioned funk, punk, RnB, soul, and rock for the ages.

'1999' 'Little Red Corvette' 'Delirious' 'Automatic' 'Let's Pretend We're Married' 40 years ago today, Prince released 1999, his first album to be recorded with his band The Revolution and re-fashioned funk, punk, RnB, soul, and rock for the ages.
Eric Alper 🎧(@ThatEricAlper) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Today in 1980, Bruce Springsteen released 'Hungry Heart,' becoming his first big hit on the Billboard Hot 100.
He originally wrote it for The Ramones, but decided to keep it for himself.

Today in 1980, Bruce Springsteen released 'Hungry Heart,' becoming his first big hit on the Billboard Hot 100. He originally wrote it for The Ramones, but decided to keep it for himself.
Ingwar Pero(@Perowinger94) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Der größte Irrtum über die Verkehrswende ist, dass es uns an öffentlichen Flächen mangeln würde und nicht allein an der Vorstellungskraft diese zu verändern.

Sam Liddicott(@samliddicott) 's Twitter Profile Photo

On Thursday (27th), Kate Bush's Experiment IV turns thirty-six.
Released as the single from her greatest hits album, The Whole Story, I return to this wonderful and underrated song:

On Thursday (27th), @KateBushMusic's Experiment IV turns thirty-six. Released as the single from her greatest hits album, The Whole Story, I return to this wonderful and underrated song: musicmusingsandsuch.com/musicmusingsan…
Marcus Wadsak 🌞(@MarcusWadsak) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Dieser Oktober ist jetzt schon der zweit wärmste in diesem Jahrtausend (gleich auf mit 2006) und könnte die Spitze von 2001 noch erreichen, vielleicht sogar toppen:

Dieser Oktober ist jetzt schon der zweit wärmste in diesem Jahrtausend (gleich auf mit 2006) und könnte die Spitze von 2001 noch erreichen, vielleicht sogar toppen:
Mira Lu Kovacs(@miralukovacs) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Liebe Musikschaffende in Österreich, liebe Tantiemenbeziehende, liebe Konsumierende und Genießende von Musik aus Ö,

Der offene Brief der AKM:

Liebe Musikschaffende in Österreich, liebe Tantiemenbeziehende, liebe Konsumierende und Genießende von Musik aus Ö, Der offene Brief der AKM: akm.at/offener-brief-…
katebushnews.com(@katebushnews) 's Twitter Profile Photo

See katebushnews.com for our full review and the chance to win a copy of the excellent new biography by Tom Doyle!

See katebushnews.com for our full review and the chance to win a copy of the excellent new biography by Tom Doyle!
Kulturwoche.at(@kulturwoche) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Der Optimismus steckt vor allen Dingen in uns Menschen und in der Hoffnung, dass wir einen extrem starken Selbsterhaltungstrieb haben.

