morgan reid choice (@moe_reid) 's Twitter Profile
morgan reid choice


artist / storyteller PNW

ID: 380699788

link calendar_today27-09-2011 02:38:23

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TheBillRussell (@realbillrussell) 's Twitter Profile Photo

#Trump you projected your narrative that #TakingAKnee is disrespectful & #UnAmerican it was never about that! You are divisive & a coward. It takes true courage 2 stand 4 what is right & risk your life in the midst of a #pandemic #Proud2kneel #BlackLivesMatter MSNBC The Boston Globe

#Trump you projected your narrative that #TakingAKnee is disrespectful &amp; #UnAmerican it was never about that! You are divisive &amp; a coward. It takes true courage 2 stand 4 what is right &amp; risk your life in the midst of a #pandemic #Proud2kneel #BlackLivesMatter <a href="/MSNBC/">MSNBC</a> <a href="/BostonGlobe/">The Boston Globe</a>
morgan reid choice (@moe_reid) 's Twitter Profile Photo

y'all are crazy not to have outbid me on this one! pumped to own DANNY SANGRA 's first nft! 🥳 cheers, mate! keeping it forever 🙌 →…

morgan reid choice (@moe_reid) 's Twitter Profile Photo

This is ridiculous. And has to stop. The story around Sefolosha's arrest needs to be re-written…