Phil Dorroll(@phildorroll) 's Twitter Profileg
Phil Dorroll


Assoc. Prof. of Religion; research on Islamic and Orthodox Christian theology in Turkish and Arabic; supports 🇺🇦


link calendar_today26-09-2020 13:36:57

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Garo Paylan - Կարօ Փայլան(@GaroPaylan) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Ermeni Soykırımı 109 yıl önce bugün başladı.
Önce Ermeni aydınlar, ardından topyekün Ermeni halkı kadim topraklarından sürüldü, katledildi.
Ermeni Soykırımında hayatını kaybedenleri saygıyla anıyorum.
Աստուած իրենց հոգին լուսաւորէ...

Ermeni Soykırımı 109 yıl önce bugün başladı. Önce Ermeni aydınlar, ardından topyekün Ermeni halkı kadim topraklarından sürüldü, katledildi. Ermeni Soykırımında hayatını kaybedenleri saygıyla anıyorum. Աստուած իրենց հոգին լուսաւորէ...
JDW(@JordanW41069857) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Congrats to Dr. Jack Louis Pappas! From his stellar dissertation on Rahner & Balthasar on philosophical modernity:

'Rahner's thought models a divergent mode of confrontation with the problematic of ontotheology that takes its point of departure from Christ’s divine-human flesh.'

Erin Clare Brown(@erinclarebrown) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Across Ukraine, Russian troops are torturing Protestants for their perceived “American” faith. Absolutely chilling.…

Phil Dorroll(@phildorroll) 's Twitter Profile Photo

This was a great presentation by Fr. Gregory Christakos; I’d highly recommend it to anyone interested in the history of religious minorities in modern Turkey. It also provides particularly insightful guidance on how to think about this topic as an Orthodox Christian.

Fordham OCSC(@FordhamOrthodox) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Delve into the intricate discussion on the heresy of Patriarch Kirill by John Chrysavgis in our newest essay. Explore why he suggests that focusing on accusations of heresy may not effectively address the underlying challenges within .

Regula M. Zwahlen(@RegulaZwahlen) 's Twitter Profile Photo

In my contribution, I explored the debates by S. Bulgakov and Co. on monarchy, socialism and fascism in the 1920s and 1930ies.…

Aristomenis Papadimitriou(@arist0men1s) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Prof Sarah Riccardi-Swartz ‘s important studies of convert behavior are necessary now more than ever
“Historically a minority immigrant faith, Russian Orthodoxy is attracting Americans who look to Russian religion/politics for answers to Western secularism & accelerating progressivism”

Aristomenis Papadimitriou(@arist0men1s) 's Twitter Profile Photo

The Orthodox Christian Leader of Greece’s progressive coalition party, Stefanos Kasselakis Stefanos Kasselakis - Στέφανος Κασσελάκης, declaring the Symbol of Faith today at the National Cathedral in New York City today. Axios!

The Orthodox Christian Leader of Greece’s progressive coalition party, Stefanos Kasselakis @skasselakis, declaring the Symbol of Faith today at the National Cathedral in New York City today. Axios!
Phil Dorroll(@phildorroll) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Registration is now open for my online summer course at Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology (Hellenic College Holy Cross), on Orthodox Christian-Muslim relations:…
