quillie⚡️(@quilloughbee) 's Twitter Profileg


Data Wizard | Einundzwanzig Pleb | Lightning Network ⚡️| Open Source


calendar_today11-08-2021 09:19:23

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Gigi ⚡🧡(@dergigi) 's Twitter Profile Photo

There are good bots and there are bad bots. This is a list of good bots: twitter.com/i/lists/113324…

Which ones are missing?


CNBC International(@CNBCi) 's Twitter Profile Photo

In 2012, Greece was in the middle of a debt crisis, and economic instability was spreading to other parts of the euro zone. A decade on, the euro zone is still intact. But one core issue at the heart of the crisis still remains. So, is the euro zone at risk of breaking apart?

OrangedMike(@orangedmike) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Schreibt wer gerne HoTows für Bitcoiner oder für Leute die Interesse an Privacy haben?
Bitte bei mir melden, da ich auf TrustBTC eine Stelle dafür aufziehen möchte.

Pratham(@Prathkum) 's Twitter Profile Photo

4. Awesome design patterns

A curated list of software and architecture-related design patterns.

🔗 github.com/DovAmir/awesom…

4. Awesome design patterns A curated list of software and architecture-related design patterns. 🔗 github.com/DovAmir/awesom…