Adrian Briones Sr.:MS, CSCS, SCCC, USAW(@Coach_Briones) 's Twitter Profileg
Adrian Briones Sr.:MS, CSCS, SCCC, USAW


📍Blessed husband, father, friend, mentor,
📍Influencer, culture changer.


calendar_today28-07-2015 16:54:07

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The Secret(@thesecret) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Faith is believing in the unseen, and that belief is THE channel through which the unseen moves into the seen.

Kevin DeShazo(@KevinDeShazo) 's Twitter Profile Photo

If you're comfortable, you're probably not getting better. Lean into the discomfort, the challenge, the uncertainty. Let it build your belief, commitment, resilience, strength.

The pursuit of anything great requires that we get uncomfortable.

COACH PRIME(@DeionSanders) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Stop saying you LOVE this or that but u don't give your heart, mind or time or a dime to it. LOVE is about action. LOVE is movement, doing, living & making it happen daily. Whatever u Love u also make it happen for the person, place or thing.

Robert Griffin III(@RGIII) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Don’t stop believing in yourself or in your vision for your life and those around you just because you face a little adversity. Keep putting in the work, show out when you show up and go get the life you always dreamed of.

Kevin DeShazo(@KevinDeShazo) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Consistency is not a personality trait, it's a skill.
Discipline is not a personality trait, it's a skill.
Commitment is not a personality trait, it's a skill.
Resilience is not a personality trait, it's a skill.

Do the work.

Robert Griffin III(@RGIII) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Don’t take the blessings you do have in your life for granted. Someone out there will always have more of something than you and that’s why comparison is the thief of joy. Love what you have and watch your blessings start to increase. Love what you have and give all glory to God.

Kevin DeShazo(@KevinDeShazo) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Don't complain about the work it takes to achieve the goal you chose to pursue. You didn’t sign up for average, you signed up to get better.

It takes what it takes. Just do the work.

Robert Griffin III(@RGIII) 's Twitter Profile Photo

You can accomplish your dreams, goals and aspirations through hard work and direction, but confidence is your secret sauce. It all starts with believing in yourself. Believe in the work you are putting in, believe that you can get it done and others around you will believe it too

COACH PRIME(@DeionSanders) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Today is Today now let our focus be on Today! Yesterday gone! Tomorrow ain't promised. Face today with no scares from yesterday & Give all of u today & attack it like never before. How u dominate Today will determine your tomorrow. Go!

UCLA Women's Soccer(@UCLAWSoccer) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Big shoutout to our athletic trainers for everything they do to keep us healthy and happy! 🫶

Happy National Athletic Training Month to (r-l) Nikki Briones, Anouska Saraf, Sophia Nguyen and Daisy Martinez!

Big shoutout to our athletic trainers for everything they do to keep us healthy and happy! 🫶 Happy National Athletic Training Month to (r-l) Nikki Briones, Anouska Saraf, Sophia Nguyen and Daisy Martinez!