Education Plus Initiative(@EducPlus2025) 's Twitter Profileg
Education Plus Initiative


Every girl and young woman in Africa completing secondary education, safe, strong and empowered, free from gender discrimination, violence and HIV/AIDS.


link calendar_today11-05-2022 15:08:32

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UN Girls' Education Initiative(@UNGEI) 's Twitter Profile Photo

At yesterday's SDG4 High-Level Steering Committee stocktake event, we stressed the need for in and through education to finish the unfinished business of access and completion by girls.

Let's keep and continue

At yesterday's SDG4 High-Level Steering Committee stocktake event, we stressed the need for #GenderEquality in and through education to finish the unfinished business of access and completion by girls. Let's keep #TransformingEducation and continue #LeadingSDG4 ✊
Education Plus Initiative(@EducPlus2025) 's Twitter Profile Photo

'The persistent inequalities across gender, social, economic and cultural structures make African girls disproportionately vulnerable to HIV is a threat to the overall health of Africa.' - agshongwe and Eva kiwango…

African Union CIEFFA(@AU_CIEFFA) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Breaking barriers to education ! is a basic human right, yet millions of around the world are denied this opportunity. Join us at the in advocating for equal access, retention & completion for all girls in edu't.

Education Plus Initiative(@EducPlus2025) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Coming up! African Union 1st Pan-African Conference on Girls' and Women’s Education in Africa - July 02-05.

session will address investment in adolescent girls' education and school-to-work transition programs to reduce their risk of acquiring HIV/AIDS.

Ben Phillips(@benphillips76) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Every 3 minutes, an African adolescent girl or young woman aged 15–24 is infected with HIV. We know what works to protect girls from HIV: it starts with keeping them in school. Vital OpEd in Daily Maverick by UNAIDS Global agshongwe & Eva kiwango…

UNAIDS Eastern & Southern Africa(@UNAIDS_ESA) 's Twitter Profile Photo

“To achieve the global goal of by 2030, it is imperative to prioritise the protection of African girls.”

✍️ Read agshongwe & Eva kiwango Op-Ed in the Daily Maverick as we marked the International Day of the African Child on June 16th 👇🏿…

Education Plus Initiative(@EducPlus2025) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Nos données montrent que le maintien d’une fille à l’école secondaire peut réduire son risque de contracter le VIH jusqu’à 50 % dans certains pays. - Berthilde Gahongayire,Regional Director for WCA…

UNAIDS Western & Central Africa(@UNAIDS_WCA) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Le manque d'éducation contribue à une plus grande vulnérabilité au VIH. Une éducation sexuelle complète peut contribuer à modifier les déséquilibres de pouvoir entre les sexes qui rendent les adolescentes et les jeunes femmes vulnérables au VIH. Education Plus Initiative

Le manque d'éducation contribue à une plus grande vulnérabilité au VIH. Une éducation sexuelle complète peut contribuer à modifier les déséquilibres de pouvoir entre les sexes qui rendent les adolescentes et les jeunes femmes vulnérables au VIH.#DayoftheAfricanChild @EducPlus2025
Education Plus Initiative(@EducPlus2025) 's Twitter Profile Photo

'The persistent inequalities across gender, social, economic and cultural structures make African girls disproportionately vulnerable to HIV is a threat to the overall health of Africa.' - agshongwe and Eva kiwango…

UNICEF HIV & AIDS(@unicef_aids) 's Twitter Profile Photo

On this , UNICEF's analyses shows that most African countries are still not spending enough to secure quality education 🚨

Much more needs to be done & UNICEF calls on African Union Member States to implement key actions ➡️

On this #DAC2024, @UNICEF's analyses shows that most African countries are still not spending enough to secure quality education #ForEveryChild 🚨 Much more needs to be done & @UNICEF calls on @_AfricanUnion Member States to implement key actions ➡️ #SDG4
UNAIDS Western & Central Africa(@UNAIDS_WCA) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Appel aux dirigeants africains : garantissez l'accès à une éducation complète à la sexualité pour les adolescentes et les jeunes femmes en Afrique afin de les protéger du VIH et des autres IST. Education Plus Initiative UNAIDS Liaison Office to AU & ECA

Appel aux dirigeants africains : garantissez l'accès à une éducation complète à la sexualité pour les adolescentes et les jeunes femmes en Afrique afin de les protéger du VIH et des autres IST. @EducPlus2025 #DayoftheAfricanChild @UNAIDS_AU_ECA
African Union ECOSOCC(@AU_ECOSOCC) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Today, as we commemorate the , we unite under the theme 'Education for All Children in Africa: The Time is Now.'

This powerful theme aligns with the African Union's , emphasizing the urgency and importance of accessible for every

Today, as we commemorate the #DayOfTheAfricanChild, we unite under the theme 'Education for All Children in Africa: The Time is Now.' This powerful theme aligns with the @_AfricanUnion's #YearOfEducation, emphasizing the urgency and importance of accessible #education for every
ACERWC(@acerwc) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Joint Statement of the United Nations Committee on the Rights of the Child and then African Committee of Experts on the Rights and Welfare of the Child on the Commemoration of .

'On this 16th day of June 2024,...we underscore our deep concern about the violation of the

Joint Statement of the United Nations Committee on the Rights of the Child and then African Committee of Experts on the Rights and Welfare of the Child on the Commemoration of #DAC2024. 'On this 16th day of June 2024,...we underscore our deep concern about the violation of the