Maldives Health Professionals Union (MHPU) (@maldiveshpu) 's Twitter Profile
Maldives Health Professionals Union (MHPU)


Trade Union representing Healthcare Workers, Maldives-“ Decent work: Quality Care”. Affiliate of Public Services International 📧 [email protected]

ID: 1151330212900040709

calendar_today17-07-2019 03:18:08

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402 Following

Maldives Health Professionals Union (MHPU) (@maldiveshpu) 's Twitter Profile Photo

މަސައްކަތްތެރިންގެ ހައްގުތައް ކަށަވަރުކުރުމަށް، ވަކި ވަކި ފަރުދުންގެ ގޮތުގައި މަސައްކަތްކުރުމަށް ވުރެ، އެންމެން އެކުގައި މަސައްކަތް ކުރުން މުހިއްމު! MTUC #InternationalLabourDay2022

Public Services International (@psiglobalunion) 's Twitter Profile Photo

As the global union federation representing care workers in the public, private, community and not-for-profit sectors we support formal and informal #care workers in their fight for recognition as public service workers. #ILC2024 👉Read more:…

MTUC (@mtucmv) 's Twitter Profile Photo

#ILC2024 'Attacks on the #right to freedom of association & #collectivebargaining persist. This is profoundly troubling. TU's remain steadfast, united & resolute in defence of these essential rights, to face & overcome challenges & opposition" ITUC-Asia Pacific Solidarity Center

Maldives Health Professionals Union (MHPU) (@maldiveshpu) 's Twitter Profile Photo

ބަރަކާތްތެރި އަޟްޙާ ޢީދުގެ ތަހުނިޔާ އެންމެހައި ޞިއްޙީ މަސައްކަތްތެރިންނަށާއި މަސައްކަތްތެރި އާއިލާތަކަށާއި އެންމެހައި ދިވެހިރައްޔިތުންނަށް އަރިސްކުރަމެވެ. Greetings on the occasion of Eid al-Adha. #eidmubarak

ބަރަކާތްތެރި އަޟްޙާ ޢީދުގެ ތަހުނިޔާ އެންމެހައި ޞިއްޙީ މަސައްކަތްތެރިންނަށާއި މަސައްކަތްތެރި އާއިލާތަކަށާއި އެންމެހައި ދިވެހިރައްޔިތުންނަށް އަރިސްކުރަމެވެ.

Greetings on the occasion of Eid al-Adha.

Maldives Health Professionals Union (MHPU) (@maldiveshpu) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Greetings on Islamic New Year 1446 ހިޖުރީ އައު އަހަރުގެ ތަހުނިޔާ އާއި ހެޔޮ އެދުންތައް އެންމެހައި މަސައްކަތްތެރީންނަށް އަރިސްކުރަމެވެ.

Greetings on Islamic New Year 1446

ހިޖުރީ އައު އަހަރުގެ ތަހުނިޔާ އާއި ހެޔޮ އެދުންތައް އެންމެހައި މަސައްކަތްތެރީންނަށް އަރިސްކުރަމެވެ.
PSIasiapacific (@psiasiapacific) 's Twitter Profile Photo

🎥The Maldives Health Professionals Union (MHPU) has been instrumental in ratification of IR & OSH bills in Maldives. Here's how the Union organised the workers and fought for their rights. #WorkersRights

Maldives Health Professionals Union (MHPU) (@maldiveshpu) 's Twitter Profile Photo

59 ވަނަ މިނިވަން ދުވަހުގެ ހެޔޮ އެދުމާއި ތަހުނިޔާ އަރިސްކުރަމެވެ. ހަގީގީ މިނިވަން ކަމަކީ ފަރުދީ އިގްތިޞާދީ ފުދުންތެރިކަމެވެ.

59 ވަނަ މިނިވަން ދުވަހުގެ ހެޔޮ އެދުމާއި ތަހުނިޔާ އަރިސްކުރަމެވެ. 
ހަގީގީ މިނިވަން ކަމަކީ ފަރުދީ އިގްތިޞާދީ ފުދުންތެރިކަމެވެ.
PSIasiapacific (@psiasiapacific) 's Twitter Profile Photo

📷 Here we begin! Our work on building collective power of sanitation workers in South Asia is taking roots. Glimpses from our recent capacity building workshop in Nepal. #TradeUnionRights #WorkersPower #SanitationWorkers

📷 Here we begin! Our work on building collective power of sanitation workers in South Asia is taking roots. Glimpses from our recent capacity building workshop in Nepal. #TradeUnionRights #WorkersPower #SanitationWorkers
Bodu Kanneli Masveringe union- BKMU (@fishermensunion) 's Twitter Profile Photo

އަހަރުމެންގެ ދިރިހުރުމާއި އަހަރުމެންގެ ވެށި ހިމާޔަތްކުރާނީ އަހަރުމެން. ކަންނެލި މަސްވެރި ކަމަށް ލޭނު އެޅުމަށް އަލުން ހުޅުވާލުމަށް އަހަރަމެން ދެކޮޅު!… #againstlonglining

އަހަރުމެންގެ ދިރިހުރުމާއި އަހަރުމެންގެ ވެށި ހިމާޔަތްކުރާނީ އަހަރުމެން.  ކަންނެލި  މަސްވެރި  ކަމަށް  ލޭނު  އެޅުމަށް  އަލުން  ހުޅުވާލުމަށް  އަހަރަމެން  ދެކޮޅު!… 

IUF Asia/Pacific (@iufap) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Killing them softly? Collateral damage 😳 Maldives to reopen longline tuna fisheries - the regulation allows for non-targeted bycatch species, including sharks, caught in longline fishing… Maldives Resilient Reefs #SaveMaldives Campaign SREnvironment SR human rights & climate change, Elisa Morgera Photo by Pew Environment

Killing them softly? Collateral damage 😳

Maldives to reopen longline tuna fisheries - the regulation allows for non-targeted bycatch species, including sharks, caught in longline fishing… <a href="/ResilientReefs/">Maldives Resilient Reefs</a> <a href="/SaveMaldivesMV/">#SaveMaldives Campaign</a> <a href="/SREnvironment/">SREnvironment</a> <a href="/SRclimatechange/">SR human rights & climate change, Elisa Morgera</a> 
Photo by <a href="/pewenvironment/">Pew Environment</a>
MTUC (@mtucmv) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Stand #AgainstLonglining and support sustainable fishing methods instead: all workers must stand against the government decision on longline Tuna fisheries