Shane Dixon Kavanaugh(@shanedkavanaugh) 's Twitter Profileg
Shane Dixon Kavanaugh


Reporter at The @Oregonian | Priors: @nydailynews; @crainsnewyork; @vocativ | Holler: [email protected]


link calendar_today01-09-2009 22:36:59

2,8K Tweets


1,6K Following

Shane Dixon Kavanaugh(@shanedkavanaugh) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Want the hundreds of pages of survey questions, analysis and cross tabs of the recent polls commissioned by The Oregonian/OregonLive?

Here ya go. 👇…

Rebecca Ellis(@Rjaellis) 's Twitter Profile Photo

I’m headed to the LA Times soon to cover LA county government - which means there’s an incredible job opening up at OPB. It is the best beat with some of the most incredible colleagues. Apply! Please dm me if you have any questions.

Shane Dixon Kavanaugh(@shanedkavanaugh) 's Twitter Profile Photo

How influential is Willamette Week’s endorsement in a local Portland / MultCo election?

An outside group that’s raised $400,000 to defeat Jo Ann Hardesty and Jessica Vega Pederson just dropped a mailer that’s nothing more than text the alt-weekly’s endorsement issue.

How influential is Willamette Week’s endorsement in a local Portland / MultCo election? An outside group that’s raised $400,000 to defeat Jo Ann Hardesty and Jessica Vega Pederson just dropped a mailer that’s nothing more than text the alt-weekly’s endorsement issue.
Shane Dixon Kavanaugh(@shanedkavanaugh) 's Twitter Profile Photo

The most shocking thing in this photo by far isn’t the graffiti, trash, or cigarette & scotch ads — it’s the number of people reading a newspaper.

The most shocking thing in this photo by far isn’t the graffiti, trash, or cigarette & scotch ads — it’s the number of people reading a newspaper.
Shane Dixon Kavanaugh(@shanedkavanaugh) 's Twitter Profile Photo

'Gunfire is now relatively commonplace in many Portland neighborhoods where it was rare just a few years.

'The SE neighborhood of Mt. Scott-Arleta has seen the biggest surge, from one shooting in 2019 through September to 25 in the same period in 2022.'…

Shane Dixon Kavanaugh(@shanedkavanaugh) 's Twitter Profile Photo

'Cushing is one of at least 9 Portlanders whose civil cases against the city for officers' conduct at 2020 demonstrations has resulted in a settlement payout from the city...

'The city has so far paid about $325,000 to resolve' those cases. via Alex Zielinski…
